Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Black History For Life:ARTHUR ASHE by Raymond Tyler


I was in my mid 20's when I learned about The Great Arthur Ashe.
I already knew that he was an icon of American Tennis.
I knew that he had helped The US win The Davis Cup and I knew that Mr. Ashe had won Wimbleton. (I did not know he won at aged 31 which is remarkable.)

I did not realize that Mr. Ashe was a trailblazer until that one morning I had saw him on The Phil Donahue Show and Mr. Ashe was discussing being more than a tennis player.

Mr. Ashe was the first black athlete I remember discussing the fact that Black Athletes have more responsibilities than just dominating in sports. Black Sports stars of Mr. Ashe's generation were expected to attack the social structures that bind people of color to poverty, access to education, and access to decent employment and opportunity.

After Arthur Ashe, I found out about the contributions of Jim Brown, Bill Russell, Althea Gibson, and The Great Great Paul Robeson outside of the sports they dominated.

I later found out that in 1969 Mr. Ashe lead a group of US Tennis Players to pull out of play in South Africa and helped US. Tennis players get more money by forming the ATP here in the U.S.

Today The Music And Entertainment Report salutes the late great Arthur Ashe! Even though Mr. Ashe passed February 6th, 1993 he continues to inspire education to the general  public about HIV/AIDS. 

Editors Note: Arthur Ashe contracted HIV as a result of tainted blood via open heart surgery. His infection led to current safety measures that insure blood safety standards to this day. He spent his final years fighting to remove the stigma of people living with HIV/AIDS! 

Hear Mr. Ashe share his biography in his own words!

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