Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Ray's List: MAD on Cartoon Network

MAD MAGAZINE on Cartoon Network may be the funniest, artsiest, freshest show that you are missing.

The Cartoon Network show is based on the popular magazine that has been a favorite on news stands since 1952. Not to be confused with the former SNL rival MAD TV.

MAD on Cartoon Network really is an animated version of the monthly magazine.

Here's A Few Reason Why You Should Check It Out!

1. MAD is an original-With out the success of Mad Magazine would there even be a Cartoon Network?
How many people who work at CN were either readers of MAD or influenced by readers, writers and artists of Mad Magazine. I know it was my dream job at age 15.

2. Mad Is Still Original-Over the years a few MAD rip offs came and enjoyed various levels of success there was Marvel's Crazy and also Cracked. I thought both Crazy and Cracked were excellent comedy magazines. However, only Mad has been able to stay into the 21st century. Mad is still full of ever changing and original ideas ...all of them funny.

3. The Humor In MAD should make you think more than it makes you ANGRY.
One thing I enjoy about MAD while reading as an adult is that the humor is often based on serious issues, Hollywood's lack of new ideas, and just the funny things in life.

4. Watching Mad on Cartoon Network is a great way to connect with your kids. Why watch an episode and then share some classic issues or go to the news stand and pick up the latest.
It should be a great way to at least encourage the enjoyment of reading.

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